Welcome friends! You're in Alex & Mila's blog. We're traveling by bike and our travel has neither time limit no certain route. Now we have no idea where the road will bring us and where we'll be tomorrow. We just live in free travel style, look around, meet new people and enjoy our life! And on these pages you can follow our journey and share all the adventures with us. Welcome again!

About us

Let's make it easy. Here are frequently asked questions about us with the answers. If you have more questions, we'll answer them gladly in the comments.

1. Who we are.
We're just ordinary people. I (Mila) grew up in Russia, studied Persian language in Saint-Petersburg, she also is an artist. Alex was born and grew up in Germany, his main interest is agricultural machinery. They met each other in Italy in 2011 and decided to start travelling together in 2012.

2. Why we travel.
Because right now it's the best time for it. We both tried different roads and finally we came to the same point: we don't want to wase our best years for making money, building career and paying loans to the banks. Travelling makes us happy.

3. Where we sleep.
We find hosts on couchsurfing.org or by friend's advice. I found out that there is a net of good people, covering the whole world. We can meet somebody, who has a friend somewhere else where we can also stay, then we can go to the friend's friend and so on. Good people must keep in touch=)
Living this way, we never had negative experience, nobody tried to kill us or to steel our bags (I wrote this for suspicious guys who are crazy about 'safety'. Hey guys! If you're afraid of everything and prefer to stay home, you'll die in your oun beds, do you know that?) To be honest, I never felt more safe before. Everybody wants to help us and to talk to us.
Also very often we go for camping. We have all equipment for that and can camp everywhere we want to.

4. How we earn money.
First of all, we don't spend a lot. People think that travelling costs millions and that's another reason for them to saty home. We spend less money travelling than we did it living in the city, renting a flat and paying for transport, cafes, new dress, etc. So even 100 euro is a bunch of money now.
Secondly, we try to work via Internet, write articles and make traslations, and try to find a job for a week or two in the city where we are.

5. How we move.
Our main transport is bike Melody, she's a nice German girl made on famous BMW factory and you can find more info about her here. We are very heavy for her so we have to think about every item if we need it or not because we have to reduce the weight.
We also tried hitch-hiking several times ans it was another great experience.

6. What we eat.
I try to cook myself, usually it's salad or yoghurt or both at the same time. We make yohgurt right on the supermarket's parking: buy 0,5l of flavored youghurt, add sliced fruits and nuts, mix and eat it. In the daytime we drink coffee with cookies, if we stay at house I cook some hot food. Also the locals always try to feed us=)

7. How we wash.
 We have a great device - a cap of the bottle with 3 small holes in it. And before the night in a tent we always take some drinking water (3 L) and washing water (4.5 L) to brush the teeth and wash the face. When the weather was unbearable (over 40), I found a clean toilet in a cafe and washed my hairwith that device. We use washing machines at our hosts, or do it by hand if we can get a bucket. If there are no buckets, but there is a source of running water, I wash into the canvas bag for dirty clothes.

8. How we communicate.
   Alex speaks German, I speak Russian, Tatar and Persian. We both speak English and try to learn several words in the language of the country where we are. Usually it's 'hi', 'thanks', 'yes-no' and several swear words which we never want to learn but the locals always teach us. Also we have a lot of fun trying to explane with gestures what we want. In Italy I had to say 'moooo' and make horns with my thingers to explain that I want to buy some beef.

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